Dofaemon 2: 50 Years Later

''Please note this is the official sequel to "Dofaemon". If you see a parody sequel on the wiki please contact me and I will add it.''
As you might see, the Dofaemon case messed up our minds. But how did it happen? And what happened in the next 50 years or so? In this story, we shall find out.
Sewashi Nobi was a boy from the future and the meant-to-be grandson of Nobita. One day he made a knock-off robot he called "Dofaemon." It was made to paralyse people and to kill. It was made to be the worst robot ever. One that he would send to the past so he could never be arrested. One made so he could make a paradox and make the world end.
Now do I have to tell this freaking story again?
So after Sewashi sent him off, the Dofaemon story was made.
So that was 2 deaths so far.
Now there are over 1 million deaths from Dofaemon, the most from a non-human.
But how did he travel the world? Let's find out.
After killing the 2 children he went and killed 100 children in Japan.
After, he hijacked a plane. It went missing and no one still knows where it is. They say it's crashed into a volcano somewhere.
At least over 300+ deaths so far.
He traveled to Spain and killed 600 people there. 300 were adults, 300 children.
Then he went to Africa. He is said to be the alleged creator of ebola, but no one really knows yet. But this was before the 1980's outbreak so it's said he's not but some people do believe this.
He killed over 2000 people there. They don't know how many were adults or how many were children.
He then went to the USA in a really bad case that nearly got him sent back to the future by the US president at the time, Richard Nixon. He killed over 7000 there.
8600 killed. And no one knows why.
This was 1970.
This began one year ago.
Yet no one in the present knows why...


Between 1970 and 1975 1 billion people were killed.
1 billion and 8600 people. My god.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then a new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another another another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another another another another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another another another another another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another another another another another another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
He then killed everyone in the world. And the world ended.
But then another another another another another another another new world was created by MR. GAWD
and all humanity was restore.
See? But then one day...



Unfortunately, they died. DOFAEMON IS ALIVE ONCE MORE.
1293842018374659302847653920193746912037469120736453812908736245538129386425 billion people killed.
Then one day, A scientist put Dofaemon in capacity. He put him into Minecraft above a pool... not of water... BUT OF LAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Then he died. World peace was regained. Everyone was happy.
The end.
And maybe

the end of the DOFAEMON SAGA?

We shall wait and see..
(robotic laughing)